Life: The Rules
by John Amaro, DC, FIACA
- You will receive one body, of which, should you wear it out, you will have nowhere to live. You are expected to make alterations, improvements, and maintenance on a regular basis. How you feed and care for your body is paramount in how long you will operate at maximum efficiency.
- You will be enrolled in school from the first day of birth. Every day lessons will be taught. You will be given the opportunity to learn from these lessons. Some lessons will be thought of as stupid and irrelevant: some will be liked and enjoyed.
- There are no mistakes, only "learning experiences". Growth is a process of trial and error along with experimentation. The failure experiment is just as important to our lives as the so called successful one.
- A lesson is repeated over and over for weeks, months, or years, until it is learned. This lesson will be presented to you in various forms by a variety of people in a variety of situations until you always score an A+, only then can you go on to another lesson.
- Learning never ends; there is no part of life that does not contain significant lessons. Every day, every waking hour we are confronted with thoughts, situations, and experiences from which we can learn.
- "Over there" is never better than "right here". Whenever "over there" becomes "right here" we will always find another "over there" which appears better than the current "right here". (Read three times. There is a great lesson "right here".)
- Other people's mannerisms, quirks, or personalities, which we love or dislike, are merely mirror images of us within ourselves.
- What you make of your life is up to you. You have been given all the tools and resources you need: what you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.
- A question, challenge, or situation is never posed of us unless we are prepared and ready to answer the question, accept the challenge, or the right situation.
- What you see in the universe sees you.